EcoSuite 0.121

Demo Video Here:

  • Updated Cash flow Payment log UX with arrears line to view difference between accrued and actual revenue @Noah Goodman @Davis Henschel @Conner Wakeman

  • RFI Updates @Tim Z @Matt Nota @Catherine Spielmann

    • Added ability to delete an RFI

    • Added ability to assign users to an RFI

    • RFI Notifications are coming next release - keep an eye out!

  • Proforma Updates - High Level focus on driving forecasts with System Configuration for data consistency @Conner Wakeman

    • We now apply the proforma degradation to the forecast generation when System Configuration is unavailable

    • Updated proforma forecast production to map to System configuration at date of version

    • Updated Unlevered IRR line in IRR Report - now matches Proforma Inputs Summary as expected

    • Portfolio IRR reports now load correctly for portfolios including projects with no proformas

    • Fixed cash flow path showing incorrect path

  • Data Module Updates

    • Added requested items to “Equipment Type” List on Equipment Record @Riana Erickson

    • Added the following fields to AMS Data > Site per Engineering Request - Parcel ID, Parcel Acreage, Zoning District, Owner of Record @Debbie Pallone @Alex Console

    • @Brock @Shelby Hang will need biz dev and site management team to populate info here for their respective projects. this is key reference for engineering plan sets

    • Fixed issue where records were stuck loading when looking for non-existent proformas.

    • All System Level Statuses set to mirror current Project Level Status

  • User Admin Features

    • User management view is now searchable by first and last name.

    • Enabled the ability to reset a user's permission to match their selected user type.

  • Other Platform Upgrades

    • Added ability to sort projects by total DC size

    • Made several enhancements to the Econode savings widget @Francesco Ranieri

    • AMS Number formatting updated to include commas and decimal places @Conner Wakeman

    • Operating report generation more resilient - now includes clarification of environment for those receiving multiple reports (eg Prod, Dev, Integration etc.) @Julia Magliozzo