EcoSuite 0.120

Demo Video Here:

New Features:

  • Ability to Sort Projects alphabetically and by Retained Earnings

    • Please note that Retained Earnings will be the starting point for project prioritization within the AMS. Retained Earnings is defined as the NPV of the fully levered forecasted cashflows for the total Economic Useful Life (EUL) generally 35 years (includes TE and Debt assumptions) - ping me or @Conner Wakeman if you have any questions or notice any glaring discrepancies on these values. To view in a list - with a portfolio selected, go to Economics Module > Dashboard to see these values consolidated on screen. @Jack Bertuzzi @Ed Freydel @Brock @Julia Magliozzo

  • Added a new 'Status' field to System level!

    • This will support system level status tracking particularly useful for sites with multiple product types (consumption, generation, storage). Currently this is not directly connected to Project Status, but in the future we will release aggregation rules so that the project status is defined by the status values of its systems. @Noah Goodman @Davis Henschel

  • Access to Record Notes is now a configurable permission that User Admins can toggle.

    • We no longer have to worry about external parties seeing our notes if we don't want them to. This applies to both the Process and Data modules where record notes are visible. USER ADMINS please recall since this is a new permission it will default to being toggled “off”. Please make sure to toggle it on for any users/user types that you believe should have access. I'll be doing a overarching User Type refresh in the coming weeks. @Sara Rabb

  • Ability to setup automatic notifications for when new projects are added and when projects change status!

  • Ability to upload document against a created cashflow payment log*

    • helpful to store utility host statements/invoices against relevant advised economics. @Noah Goodman

  • Other Updates / Bug fixes:

    • Econode UI clean up

    • Loan Draws and Principal Re-payments now bifurcated in IRR Report.

  • Project "Look Up Address" button functionality restored