New Release Testing

Ecogy AMS New Release Testing 101

AMS Test Cadence

  1. New Release 

    • Every Two Weeks - Typically on a Monday morning ET

    • New features summarized by Software team Ecogy Software Releases

    • Summary will include “Areas of Change” that will be focus points for Testing

    • Features available to test on AMS Test Environment

  2. Sprint Demo Meeting

    • Subsequent Tuesday at 5:30pm ET

    • Mandatory for testing team and open to all

    • Demos highlight major areas of change in realtime - provide opportunity for questions

    • Demos are recorded - Recordings are saved HERE

  3. Test Period 

    • Entire Week following a new release

    • Testing ramps up following Sprint Demo 

    • Tester should assign themselves as test on ticket

    • Concludes on Friday evening ET

  4. New Release moved to Production

    • Following Monday ET assuming no edits required based on test feedback

Testing Best Practices

  • Report all bugs in the Bugs Slack Channel

  • Share a FULL screenshot so that software team knows what environment / version. 

    • Environment

      • Test = Green

      • Production = Black

    • Version - can be found at bottom of screenshot