New Release Testing
Ecogy AMS New Release Testing 101
AMS Test Cadence
New Release
Every Two Weeks - Typically on a Monday morning ET
New features summarized by Software team Ecogy Software Releases
Summary will include “Areas of Change” that will be focus points for Testing
Features available to test on AMS Test Environment
Sprint Demo Meeting
Subsequent Tuesday at 5:30pm ET
Mandatory for testing team and open to all
Demos highlight major areas of change in realtime - provide opportunity for questions
Demos are recorded - Recordings are saved HERE
Test Period
Entire Week following a new release
Testing ramps up following Sprint Demo
Tester should assign themselves as test on ticket
Concludes on Friday evening ET
New Release moved to Production
Following Monday ET assuming no edits required based on test feedback
Testing Best Practices
Report all bugs in the Bugs Slack Channel
Share a FULL screenshot so that software team knows what environment / version.
Test = Green
Production = Black
Version - can be found at bottom of screenshot