Project and System Status and Project Flag filtering

The EcoSuite has some rich project filtering functionality that includes what can at a high level be called project status filtering. In reality this project status filtering is made up of two layers of Status filters and a set of independant Flags. They look like this in the EcoSuite UI:

This is a high level diagram showing the logical relationship between these three things (note, a project by definition has one or more systems):

Project Status and System Status (including the derived project level “System Status”) is discussed and explained more here.

Project Flag

Firstly, Project Flag is independant of either Project or System Status. A project can be Active, Paused or Cancelled while still being in any of the Project or System statuses shown in the sections below.

Active projects are by definition active. i.e. they are being worked on to become operational, or they are operational.

Projects that are Paused are theoretically inactive and waiting. In some cases they can still be worked on by the Biz Dev team using their discretion with Surveying and Early Stage Project Management. Paused projects should stay Paused until Operations resources are needed, which is triggered by a Deal Approval to Un-Pause the project.

Projects that are Cancelled will no longer be worked on. They are effectively dead and should be deleted or archived (archiving is best as it allows leasons to be learnt if people wish to study historically cancelled projects).

System Status

Project Status

With respect to the high level status transitions, at Ecogy these most commonly occur in the following order:

New => Interconnection => Permitting => Pre-Construction => Construction => PTO => Operational

But funky adjustments to this normal flow do happen on occasion to assist with compressing timelines: